El Sexisme a la UAB: Propostes d'actuació i dades per a un diagnòstic


María Jesús Izquierdo


Sexism persists in spite of the continuous effort of social incorporation of women, and therefore, it damages them considerably. It is also a severe obstacle to the maturation of democracy, since it is the main mechanism of social exclusion, if we consider the number of people affected and the social consequences it provokes. At the same time, the functioning of democracy depends on the work done by women in caring for and attending to immediate human needs. Paradoxically, although the continuity of any society is unthinkable if these types of activities are not carried out, they are defined as personal activities and not as structural needs of society as a whole. Although essential, care activities are not considered a collective problem, but rather a particularity of women that can make them unattractive as paid workers.

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M01 1, 2004

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ISBN-13 (15)