Investigación en psicología y logopedia: Introducción a los diseños esperimentales cuasiexperimentales y ex post facto (2ª. Edición)


Mariona Portell
Jaume Vives


This publication is aimed at people who want to be introduced to the logic of research in psychology and speech therapy, and presents three types of design widely used in health sciences: experimental, quasi-experimental and ex post facto, which include etiological cohort, case-control and analytical cross-sectional designs. In addition to introducing these designs, a second aim of this publication is to frame them in a general perspective that advocates methodological complementarity. Our intention is that following this text will facilitate the acquisition of the necessary skills to introduce the critical reading of articles on primary studies and, by extension, evidence-based practice.

Portada del llibre


M09 4, 2024

Details about the available publication format: PDF


ISBN-13 (15)